I can't believe it's already been half a year with you! You are growing more and more everyday (stats to be posted after Dr. appt on Wednesday). You now have two bottom teeth and I think more are on the way from the way you chew on your whole hand! You are able to sit up pretty well on your own and can easily roll from your back to your front. You haven't quite figured out how to flip the other way, but you're working on it. You now refuse to sleep on your back! You sleep on your tummy, with your knees up under you and your bottom in the air, and rock forward and back. It takes you about 2 hours to move this way from one end of your crib to the other until your head is banging against the crib bars. I know it takes you two hours because I now have to get up every two hours and scoot you back to the other end of the crib :P You are still just eating solid foods once a day, but we will probably start twice a day soon. You like to play with your toys, but get bored with them easily and would rather play with mommy or daddy sitting near you (oh boy!). Your hair is growing out and you've just about stopped scratching yourself with your nails at night. You have grown so much in just six short months, I cannot even imagine what the next six will bring!
Playing on your gym in the morning next to my computer. That bar must taste GOOD!

Getting set up to eat.

Mommy is too slow, so you'll just have your bib!

Sitting up in your playpen with your toys.

Taking your afternoon nap.
love the new pics! happy half year, millsies.
Happy half birthday! Miss Kate sure would love some cousin play time!
I can't believe time goes by so fast. Take it from an old person - enjoy this time, take the time to just relax with her and watch her grow because it sounds like before we know it she will be crawling and you will really be busy keeping up with her.
Mom (Granny)
Hmmm....six months and it will not be long before it's sixteen!!!! You will look up one day and wonder where your little baby went!!! Happy 6 month birthday Millie G!!!!! Pappy said this....
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