Monday, October 24, 2011

Pumpkin Patch with Illie

At The Aquarium - Summer 2011

This summer, Amelia and I took a trip down to the Dallas Children's Aquarium in Fair Park. It was a really small place, but she enjoyed checking out the fish and sharks.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Day(s)!!

After alternating between Finding Nemo ("feeesh") and Sesame Street ("Elmo") for about the 500th time since Tuesday, we decided to have a little fun in the living room. I used to love to turn our couches upside down and make cushion forts when I was little, so Millie and I created a pretty good one with our couches!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Trying out some new Do's

So, as you can see.... Millie G's hair has gotten a little out of control. We've been working with a few ideas, but I am really terrible at doing hair. Here are a few pics of what we've come up with...


I thought about giving her a bowl haircut...but after looking at some of my own pictures from her age, I decided not to :p

So...we have settled on ponytails. She actually hasn't tried to pull these out yet!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween 2010 (Just a Week Late :P)

"Wait, I have to wear this all night?!"

Hat is coming...


She almost looks like a real garden gnome in this one!

"Why would I get out and walk to a door when I have this cushy ride?"

The Gang

Trick or Treat!

Family Photo Op!

Millie pushing the wagon

Daddy getting Millie all dressed up

Millie's New Hobby

Joe and I had left he room and when we came back, this is what we saw. She really looks like she knows what she is doing.

"Just a minute, Mom! I'm tweeting to my peeps!"

Pumpkin Pics (Just for Nanny Mary)

Nanny Mary insisted we get a picture of Amelia next to a pumpkin for Halloween. She was in a fussy mood and refused to stand by the pumpkins herself so I just wheeled her in front of them in the stroller. I tried :P!