Wednesday, September 16, 2009

6th Month Check-Up

Weight: 19.8 (100 percentile)
Height: 26.75 (75 percentile)
Head: 43 cm (75 percentile)

Looks like everything is good with little Millie G! The doc was out of flu shots, so we didn't get that, but she did get three shots and an oral vaccine today. The doc strongly recommended we get the flu shot and the swine flu shot when it comes out, so we've got to check back with them until they get another shipment. The nurse there said they had diagnosed 13 cases of the H1N1 today alone, but that it's pretty mild right now. It makes me wonder if it wouldn't just be better to get it now so we'll all be immune once it gets worse!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

WOW! I can't believe Millie has passed by Miss Kate in weight! We have to see that little girl soon. Glad to hear everything else is great.
Speaking of Swine Flu, I had one diagnosed in my class today. No fun...