Friday, July 17, 2009

Amelia's Four Month Checkup

Amelia's Stats:
Height: 25.25 (75%)
Weight: 16 lbs. 9.6 oz. (97%)
Head: 42 cm (75%)

Everything checked out great and she gave the Dr. a good right hook when he tried to clean out her belly button :P The doctor did give us a perscription for some topical stuff to help clear up some of her cradle cap spots (and man, was it expensive). Lesson learned there. Should have tried the Aquefor (sp?) stuff first :P

The Dr. said we can start foods any time we want between now and 6 mos. He says it's basically just for practice at this stage and not for nutrition, so have fun with it. We *Might* try it out starting next week to see how she takes to it.

Anyway, looks like she's quickly catching up to her cousin Kate. They are both healthy girls!! :)


Michelle said...

She really is catching up to Kate! Can't wait to see her tomorrow. Glad everything went well!

Pappy V. said...

I got me some big pretty G-Girls!!!
Amelia will be eatin pizza before ya know it!!!! Pappy said this....