Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Lazy Summer Day

Showing off her bracelets. She insists on having these on every morning.

What's Up?

Is that a birdy?

I didn't do anything...I promise.

Check out my foot!

Cutie Pie!

Squinting getting ready for the flash.

Wild woman! Check out her molars back there...they are huge!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Amelia's 15 Month Checkup Stats

We went in for our 15 month checkup today. Here's the basics:
Height: 31.5 in (80%)
Weight: 25 lbs (80%) (she wouldn't sit still on the scale, so I think this is more)
Head: 46.75 cm (74%)

The doc said everything looks good. I asked about her not eating enough protein and he basically said keep trying but don't go out of my way to make her special meals. She should eat what we eat, etc. I'm going to try some different kinds of beans to see if we can find some she likes to get some protein. Other than that, she got two shots but thought the ear exam was much more traumatic. I don't think she likes the doctor very much :)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Hair Chopped and Mille G Swimming Fun

So...I finally got sick of my hair and went and had it chopped off! I told the stylist to do what she thought was best. I only told her 1)I don't want bangs 2)I hate styling product 3)I don't want my face to look fat (she should have said "Then lose some weight). Hee hee.. Here's what she did.

These are some pics we snapped of Millie G playing in her little pool. I don't think she actually LIKES playing in the water. Her face doesn't seem all that happy to be there. We'll keep trying...maybe someday :)