Well, Millie G, it's only one month until you will be a year old!! I cannot believe how fast time has gone by!! In the past month, we have sold our old home and moved into our new house! You have the cutest pink and green room and your very own play room! We joked that you have more rooms in this house than we do! You are VERY close to walking on your own. You can really scoot on your walker and want to stand up every chance you get. You just have to get the courage to take that step without holding on to something. You are eating tons of solid food now; bananas, alvacados, apples, peaches, crackers, puffs, grapes, and blueberries are amoung your favorites. Cheese and veggies are not your favorite. You did well with them for about a week and then figured out that Ali is the perfect hiding place for them!! She has taken to laying right under the high chair everytime you're in it!! You are still sleeping great at night and are taking 1-2 naps a day. You have learned to wave and love to point at everything now! You like to pretend to share your food with us, then snatch it away from our mouths at the last minute. You laugh and laugh at this! You love playing with your toys in your playroom and pull everything off the shelves. You even hold books up to us for us to read to you (even if it is over and over and over). I can't wait to see what the next month will bring because you have really changed during this one!!
Banging on her prison doors. Let me out!!

Please mom, really, let me out!!

She refuses to keep her eyes open for a picture (she knows the flash is coming)

Playing her piano and looking outside.

Chasing kitties behind the futon.

"Hmmm...what should I play with next"...

Millie and Daddy