Millie G is just plain exhausted from two days of being away from home and not really napping much. She crashed out at about 8:00 Saturday night and slept until 6:15! She's down for the night now as well and I'm hoping to get another 10 hour night! I ended up taking the Baby Bjorn today so that I wouldn't have to hold her on one shoulder (I'm way too old to do that for long) and she loved being carried around most the day.
The only thing I regret is not getting any still photographs of Joe's family. He shot lots of video though, so he will have some funny stuff to look back on. It's cool that Joe has so many cousins his age to hang out with and reminisce with.
Here are some pics I snapped of Millie as we were getting ready to go this morning.
I tried to get her interested in a Teddy, but nope, not so much
I just had to take a pic of this cute little sundress
Then I started taking too many pictures...she's getting grumpier by the second
Now, I have spent way too much time messing with settings on my camera and not enough time with her. The result....