Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Millie's Nine Month Check-up

Here are Millie's stats at nine months:
Weight: 21.4 lbs. (90% percentile)
Height: 28.5 in. (75% percentile)
Head: 45 cm (80% percentile)

We think the height might be a little shorter than she actually is, because we measured her at a little over 29 inches. Everything was great and the doctor said that we need to start moving toward lowering her formula ounces to around 18-24 oz. per day. She's on the high side of this, so I may attempt to go to the four hour feeding schedule again soon. Other than that, they said she is right on track for everything else. We went ahead with the H1N1 and seasonal flu shots since she didn't have any other shots to get today. Hopefully we made the right decision there :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Happy Nine Month B-Day Millie G! (one day late)

Well, Miss G, you are 9 months old! You are getting so big and are really starting to get a personality all your own. You are eating food three times a day and still taking about 25 ounces of formula. You already have your two bottom teeth and just yesterday your top right one poked through. We can see three more right under the gum on top! You are crawling all over with ease and want to stand up every chance you get. You have learned how to break out of your "pillow pen" now, so all you do is crawl around and stand up where you can! You have started laughing at things like when you pull Mommy's hair or when you get formula on your nose. You are babbling a little, but no clear consonants yet. You are still sleeping 12 hours at night and taking 2-3 naps a day. Today, you started going from one couch to the other while standing up, so I'm sure you'll be walking in no time! Can't wait to see what the next month brings!

Drinking from your sippy cup (you don't quite understand that you have to tilt it up yet).

Crawling over Mommy to get free of your "pillow pen".

Playing with your Ann B Dextrous that Uncle Stebby got you for Xmas.

Standing at the kitchen gate.

Standing at your high chair.

Checking out the programming books.

Standing at the bookshelf.

Trying to get the camera!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Happy Eight Month B-Day, Millie G!! (2 days late)

You are getting so big now! Of course, your latest accomplishment has been learning to crawl, which means Mommy and Daddy are really tired! We went ahead and lowered your crib mattress as well because you like to sit up in bed now and I didn't want you getting any ideas about crawling over the rail. You are still eating about 25-28 oz. of formula and solid food twice a day. You are taking two naps during the day, but sometimes want to stay up and play instead. The pictures this month show the things you love to play with:

It's so hard to get a picture of you now because you know the flash is coming!

Here you are in your little "furniture pen" we create for you so you don't crawl away.

You love hiding under blankets and pillows and will pull them over your face if they are near you (which means you won't be sleeping with one for a LONG time).


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Houston, We Have Liftoff!

Millie G has finally figured out how to crawl! We are in trouble now!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We spent a very low key night handing out candy. Well, I handed out candy, while Amelia looked at the kids coming to the door while Joe was applying texture to our dining room ceiling. Here are a few pics of Millie in her "costume". The hat lasted about 3 minutes before she pulled it off. I think it was a little too hot for her :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Happy Seven Month B-Day, Millie G!!

This past month has gone by so fast, it seems like we just took you in for your 6 month checkup! You are growing more and more each day and are getting better at playing with all your toys and rolling all over the place. You can spin and roll frontwards and backwards; you may not need to crawl at the rate you're going! Speaking of crawling, you've almost got it down. You get up on your hands and knees and rock and hop. Once you figure our your arms, you'll be all over the place. You've started eating more food during the day. You eat fruit with oatmeal for breakfast and usually a veggie and more fruit for dinner. You're still also eating 26-28 ounces of formula per day. We haven't seen anymore teeth come through, but I have a feeling the top two are just about to pop through. You laugh at us when we make goofy faces and laugh at Ali when she's laying on the couch. You love to watch the weather on TV (I'm not sure if it's the colors or Pete Delkis that you like so much). We can't wait to see what the next month brings and I'm sure you'll have me running by the time I post another month's B-Day pics :)

Playing with your activity triangle...

Belly playing...

You love to rock back and forth in this position. You even sometimes "hop" like this too. You just have to get your arms moving and you'll be off in no time!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Millie G's Big Girl Seat!!

We finally ordered and got Amelia's big girl car seat. This thing is huge!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Nerf Cuteness!

Random Things

Cousin Luke stopped by for a small visit. He loves his baby cousin!!

I made a cake. Isn't it pretty?

A Study In The Art of Rolling as Primary Ambulation Functionality

Step 1: Start on edge of flat surface

Step 2: Think about what you are doing

Step 3: Roll onto stomach

Step 4: Roll onto back

Step 5: Roll onto stomach; check if parental unit is pleased

Step 6: Take drool break

Step 7: Start all over

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

6th Month Check-Up

Weight: 19.8 (100 percentile)
Height: 26.75 (75 percentile)
Head: 43 cm (75 percentile)

Looks like everything is good with little Millie G! The doc was out of flu shots, so we didn't get that, but she did get three shots and an oral vaccine today. The doc strongly recommended we get the flu shot and the swine flu shot when it comes out, so we've got to check back with them until they get another shipment. The nurse there said they had diagnosed 13 cases of the H1N1 today alone, but that it's pretty mild right now. It makes me wonder if it wouldn't just be better to get it now so we'll all be immune once it gets worse!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Happy Six Month B-Day, Millie G!!

I can't believe it's already been half a year with you! You are growing more and more everyday (stats to be posted after Dr. appt on Wednesday). You now have two bottom teeth and I think more are on the way from the way you chew on your whole hand! You are able to sit up pretty well on your own and can easily roll from your back to your front. You haven't quite figured out how to flip the other way, but you're working on it. You now refuse to sleep on your back! You sleep on your tummy, with your knees up under you and your bottom in the air, and rock forward and back. It takes you about 2 hours to move this way from one end of your crib to the other until your head is banging against the crib bars. I know it takes you two hours because I now have to get up every two hours and scoot you back to the other end of the crib :P You are still just eating solid foods once a day, but we will probably start twice a day soon. You like to play with your toys, but get bored with them easily and would rather play with mommy or daddy sitting near you (oh boy!). Your hair is growing out and you've just about stopped scratching yourself with your nails at night. You have grown so much in just six short months, I cannot even imagine what the next six will bring!

Playing on your gym in the morning next to my computer. That bar must taste GOOD!

Getting set up to eat.

Mommy is too slow, so you'll just have your bib!

Sitting up in your playpen with your toys.

Taking your afternoon nap.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Random Updates

Everyone keeps complaining about how little I update my blog... So, here are some updates on what Millie G is up to these days.

She is really starting to take notice of everything around her. She has recently become very interested in what our animals are doing and smiles and gets excited when one of them walks by her. So far, the only one that she's gotten to pet is Porkey (but he lets anything pet him). The dogs are a little shy of her, but they so stop to sniff her now and then.

She is started to really love tummy time. In fact, she rolls over at night and seems to prefer sleeping on her stomach now! It kind of freaks me out, but they say not worry about it once they can flip themselves. She still can't figure out how to flip from her tummy to her back, but she's working on it.

She is starting to be able to sit unsupported during our playtime. She does better when she is distracted by a toy or something and doesn't realize she is sitting by herself sometimes.

She has sprouted a tooth on the bottom! She still seems to be teething though and is still fussy with the bottle and still drools like crazy!

She is practicing with different noises she can make. Last week, she was making this really funny growling noise that sounded like a zombie. She would lay in her crib and just growl louder and louder. When I went in to check on her, she would just smile at me like she was saying "What? I'm fine!". This week, the growl has turned into a whine/coo type thing. Sort of like Gizmo from the Gremlins. Again, she lays in her crib and just makes the noises louder and louder, giggling all the while.

She still loves to be pulled up onto her feet, but she's also working on crawling. When she's on her tummy, she puts her head down and sort of "swims" her legs up under her. She doesn't keep them there, but she's starting to get the idea. Now she just needs to realize that she can have her legs and arms up at the same time and she's off!!

I will try to be better at updating this blog now that she is doing more and more, but I hope that fills ya'll in so far!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Happy Five Month B-Day!!

Amelia is officially five months old today! Here are a few things she enjoys doing now.

Playing in her jumperoo. She likes it, but gets tired in here very quickly.

First thing this morning. Still a little sleepy.

Time for some peas! Yum!

"Can I offer you a drink?"


She hasn't quite mastered the concept of using her arms to prevent falling over.

Tummy time! She's getting better and as of yesterday has flipped over 4 times!

She would much rather practice her standing.

Look ma! No hands!

Sitting almost by herself.


"Leave me alone already! I'm tired!"